Multi-way Communications: An Information Theoretic Perspective
Author(s): Anas Chaaban;Aydin Sezgin
Source: Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory ISSN Print:1567-2190, ISSN Online:1567-2328 Publisher:Now Publishers Volume 12 Number 3-4, Pages: 190(185-371) DOI: 10.1561/0100000081
Multi-way communication is a means to significantly improve the spectral
efficiency of wireless networks. For instance, in a bi-directional (or
two-way) communication channel, two users can simultaneously use
the transmission medium to exchange information, thus achieving up
to twice the rate that would be achieved had each user transmitted
separately. Multi-way communications provides an overview on the developments
in this research area since it has been initiated by Shannon.
The basic two-way communication channel is considered first, followed
by the two-way relay channel obtained by the deployment of an additional
cooperative relay node to improve the overall communication
performance. This basic setup is then extended to multi-user systems.
For all these setups, fundamental limits on the achievable rates are reviewed,
thereby making use of a linear high-SNR deterministic channel
model to provide valuable insights which are helpful when discussing
the coding schemes for Gaussian channel models in detail. Several tools
and communication strategies are used in the process, including (but
not limited to) computation, signal-space alignment, and nested-lattice
codes. Finally, extensions of multi-way communication channels to multiple
antenna settings are discussed.