Crowdsourcing Accessibility: Human-Powered Access Technologies
Author(s): Erin Brady;Jeffrey P. Bigham
Source: Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction ISSN Print:1551-3955, ISSN Online:1551-3963 Publisher:Now Publishers Volume 8 Number 4, Pages: 103(273-372) DOI: 10.1561/1100000050
People with disabilities have always engaged the people around them in
order to circumvent inaccessible situations, allowing them to live more
independently and get things done in their everyday lives. Increasing
connectivity is allowing this approach to be extended to wherever and
whenever it is needed. Technology can leverage this human work force
to accomplish tasks beyond the capabilities of computers, increasing
how accessible the world is for people with disabilities. This article
outlines the growth of online human support, outlines a number of
projects in this space, and presents a set of challenges and opportunities
for this work going forward.