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Entrepreneurship Education: A Selective Examination of the Literature

Author(s): Rui Baptista;Ana Naia

    Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship
    ISSN Print:1551-3114,  ISSN Online:1551-3122
    Publisher:Now Publishers
    Volume 11 Number 5,
Pages: 90 (337-426)
DOI: 10.1561/0300000047
Keywords: Entrepreneurial education;Entrepreneurial classroom


We build two different frameworks of analysis in order to examine recent literature on entrepreneurial education at two levels: (i) theoretical contributions, and (ii) emerging challenges and solutions in the entrepreneurial classroom. These simple frameworks are used to classify and analyze articles published on the subjects of entrepreneurship education, encompassing methodologies, theories, contents, frameworks and evaluation of programs/subjects, selected from a wide range of journals in the fields of Management and Education over the period 2000–2011.