Semiparametric Efficiency Bounds for Microeconometric Models: A Survey
Source: Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Econometrics ISSN Print:1551-3076, ISSN Online:1551-3084 Publisher:Now Publishers Volume 6 Number 3-4, Pages: 235(163-397) DOI: 10.1561/0800000019 Keywords: Weak instruments;Linear simultaneous equation models;Instrument variables estimation;Large-sample asymptotic analysis;Finite-sample analysis;Hypothesis testing
In this survey, we evaluate estimators by comparing their asymptotic variances. The role of the efficiency bound, in this context, is to give a lower bound to the asymptotic variance of an estimator. An estimator with asymptotic variance equal to the efficiency bound can therefore be said to be asymptotically efficient. These bounds are also useful for understanding how the features of a given model affect the accuracy of parameter estimation.