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Gaussian Interference Channels: An Information Theoretic Point of View


    Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory
    ISSN Print:1567-2190,  ISSN Online:1567-2328
    Publisher:Now Publishers
    Volume 10 Number 3,
Pages: 135(247-378)
DOI: 10.1561/0100000071


The purpose of this monograph is to introduce both classic and recent capacity theorems for the two-user Gaussian interference channel including both the single-antenna case and the multiple-antenna case.

This monograph starts with the single antenna case and introduces the Han and Kobayashi achievable rate region and its various subregions. Several capacity outer bounds are then presented, which, together with the achievable rate region, yields several capacity results for the single-antenna Gaussian interference channel, including the capacity region for strong interference and the sum-rate capacity for Z interference, noisy interference, mixed interference and degraded interference.

For the more complex multiple-antenna case, the interference state is no longer determined solely by the interference strength as in the single-antenna case. Instead, the structure of the interference in different multi-dimensional subspaces plays an equally important role. As a result of this multiple-dimensional signaling, new interference states including generally strong, generally noisy and generally mixed interference are introduced to obtain capacity theorems that generalize those for the single-antenna case.