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Inside the Organizational Learning Curve: Understanding the Organizational Learning Process


    Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management
    ISSN Print:1571-9545,  ISSN Online:1571-9533
    Publisher:Now Publishers
    Volume 4 Number 1,
Pages: 103(1-103)
DOI: 10.1561/0200000023


In this work, we aim to provide an in-depth understanding of the organizational learning curve and why significant differences in the rate of learning exist across organizations. We review what is known about organizational learning curves as well as what is unknown. In sum, much is known and much remains unknown. Few studies have "stepped inside the learning curve" to provide greater understanding of the organizational learning process underlying the learning curve. We contend that this understanding is essential for helping organizations learn better and faster, and thus, operate more effectively and efficiently in a dynamic world. Therefore, not only do we examine what is known about organizational learning curves, but also what is known about the organizational learning process. Much of the former research has been conducted by operations scholars, while much of the latter has been conducted by organizational behavior scholars. By integrating research from both (of our) disciplines, we hope to provide a more comprehensive understanding of organizational learning and the venerable organizational learning curve.