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Structured Learning and Prediction in Computer Vision


    Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision
    ISSN Print:1572-2740,  ISSN Online:1572-2759
    Publisher:Now Publishers
    Volume 6 Number 3-4,
Pages: 181(185-365)
DOI: 10.1561/0600000033


Powerful statistical models that can be learned efficiently from large amounts of data are currently revolutionizing computer vision. These models possess a rich internal structure reflecting task-specific relations and constraints. This monograph introduces the reader to the most popular classes of structured models in computer vision. Our focus is discrete undirected graphical models which we cover in detail together with a description of algorithms for both probabilistic inference and maximum a posteriori inference. We discuss separately recently successful techniques for prediction in general structured models. In the second part of this monograph we describe methods for parameter learning where we distinguish the classic maximum likelihood based methods from the more recent prediction-based parameter learning methods. We highlight developments to enhance current models and discuss kernelized models and latent variable models. To make the monograph more practical and to provide links to further study we provide examples of successful application of many methods in the computer vision literature.