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Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks: Volume II Applications

Author(s): François Baccelli;Bartłlomiej Błlaszczyszyn

    Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Networking
    ISSN Print:1554-057X,  ISSN Online:1554-0588
    Publisher:Now Publishers
    Volume 4 Number 1-2,

Document Type: Article
Pages: 312(1-312)
DOI: 10.1561/1300000026


This volume bears on wireless network modeling and performance analysis. The aim is to show how stochastic geometry can be used in a more or less systematic way to analyze the phenomena that arise in this context. It first focuses on medium access control mechanisms used in ad hoc networks and in cellular networks. It then discusses the use of stochastic geometry for the quantitative analysis of routing algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks. The appendix also contains a concise summary of wireless communication principles and of the network architectures considered in the two volumes.