Algebraic Number Theory and Code Design for Rayleigh Fading Channels
Author(s): Frédérique Oggier;Emanuele Viterbo
Source: Journal:Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory ISSN Print:1567-2190, ISSN Online:1567-2328 Publisher:Now Publishers Volume 1 Number 3,
Document Type: Article Pages: 84 (333-416) DOI: 10.1561/0100000003
Abstract: Algebraic number theory is having an increasing impact in code
design for many different coding applications, such as single
antenna fading channels and more recently, MIMO systems.
Extended work has been done on single antenna fading channels, and
algebraic lattice codes have been proven to be an effective tool.
The general framework has been settled in the last ten years and
many explicit code constructions based on algebraic number theory
are now available.
The aim of this work is to provide both an overview on algebraic
lattice code designs for Rayleigh fading channels, as well as a
tutorial introduction to algebraic number theory. The basic facts
of this mathematical field will be illustrated by many examples and
by the use of a computer algebra freeware in order to make it more
accessible to a large audience.