Proceedings of the Tenth General Meeting
Malta 24 - 30 August 2001
edited by Emilia Mezzetti (Universit� di Trieste, Italy) & Sylvie Paycha (Universit� Clermont-Ferrand II, France)
This volume can be divided into two parts: a purely mathematical part with contributions on finance mathematics, interactions between geometry and physics and different areas of mathematics; another part on the popularization of mathematics and the situation of women in mathematics.
- Mathematics Applied to Finance:
- Derivatives:
A Scientific Revolution of the Seventies (F Diener)
- Why Heavy Tails in Financial Series? Estimations and Tests (M Pontier)
- Portfolio Optimization in Finance (N Bellamy)
- Geometry:
- Analytical and Geometrical Features of de Rham and Dolbeault's Cohomologies (C de Fabritiis)
- The McKay Correspondence � A Bridge from Algebra to Geometry (Y Ito)
- Total Positivity, Flag Varieties and Quantum Cohomology (K Rietsch)
- Calabi�Yau Manifolds and Mirror Symmetry (X de la Ossa)
- Why is There Hyperbolic Geometry in Dynamics? (C Series)
- Tessellations and Related Modular Groups (A I Weiss)
- EMS Lectures on Convex Polytopes:
- Residue Formulae for Verlinde Sums, and for Number of Integral Points in Convex Rational Polytopes (M Vergne)
- Mathematics Outside the Classroom: Cultural Differences:
- Raising Public Awareness in Mathematics: The WMY2000 Experience (M Chaleyat-Maurel)
- Popularization of Mathematics: Local and Global Perspectives (F M Br�ckler)
- Socio-Political Dimension of Gender Inequality:
- Women and Science in Europe and in France (C Hermann)
- Focus on Italian Activities in Women and Science (R M Spitaleri)
- Mathematicians' Careers � Analysis of a Questionnaire (I Kersten & E Mezzetti)
- Short Communications:
- Hankel Operators on Generalized Bergman�Hardy Spaces (B Rehberg)
- Math-Kit: A Multimedia Project for Learning and Teaching Mathematics (S Schiller & L Unger)
- and other papers
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Readership: Researchers in mathematical finance, geometry and general
Pub. date: Mar 2003
eISBN 981-270-427-2
Price: US$153