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With Applications in Chemistry, Biology, Materials Science and Catalysis

by Philip C H Mitchell (University of Reading, UK), Stewart F Parker, Anibal J Ramirez-Cuesta & John Tomkinson (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)

Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) is a spectroscopic technique in which neutrons are used to probe the dynamics of atoms and molecules in solids and liquids. This book is the first, since the late 1960s, to cover the principles and applications of INS as a vibrational-spectroscopic technique. It provides a hands-on account of the use of INS, concentrating on how neutron vibrational spectroscopy can be employed to obtain chemical information on a range of materials that are of interest to chemists, biologists, materials scientists, surface scientists and catalyst researchers. This is an accessible and comprehensive single-volume primary text and reference source.


  • The Theory of Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy
  • Instrumentation and Experimental Methods
  • Interpretation and Analysis of Spectra Using Molecular Modelling
  • Analysis of INS Spectra
  • Dihydrogen and Hydrides
  • Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Organic and Organometallic Compounds
  • Hydrogen Bonding
  • Soft Condensed Matter � Polymers and Biomaterials
  • Non-Hydrogenous Materials and Carbon
  • Vibrational Spectroscopy with Neutrons � The Future

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Readership: Users and potential users of neutron scattering spectroscopy (academics, staff of neutron scattering institutes,researchers and graduate students); solid state vibrationalspectroscopists.

Pub. date: Jun 2005
eISBN 981-256-783-6
Price: US$127

Copyright ©2007 World Scientific Publishing Co. All rights reserved.