by John K-J Li (Rutgers University, USA)
About the Author
John K-J Li has been awarded the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Award for Paper Presentation at the Australian IUPS Congress and several IEEE Recognition Certificates from 1985-1991 in recognition of valued services and contributions as Chapter Chairman of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. He has a number of patents to his name, with products ranging from Antihypertension Drugs to New Rate-Responsive Cardiac Pacemakers.
Recent advances in vascular biology and vascular engineering have led to the understanding and integration of the two fields. A feature that is fundamental to both is the dynamic aspects of the vascular system. Although the basic principles governing blood flow and the circulatory function are known, new approaches to examining the interaction of different parts of the vascular system have emerged. These include measurement techniques and quantitative methods with greater use of modern technology and computer modeling. An obvious need therefore exists for a book that deals specifically with the dynamics of the vascular system.
This book begins with the historical discoveries of the features of the vascular system and its importance in the overall circulatory function. Modern aspects of vascular biology in terms of structure and function are then described, followed by the introduction of physical principles and basic fluid mechanics for quantitative analysis. The hemodynamics of large arteries, the optimal structure of vascular branching and the pulsatile energy transmission and modeling aspects are elaborated. These are extended to analyze the function of the venous system and the microcirculation. Finally, the integrated vascular system and its response and adaptation to diseased conditions, such as aging, stenosis, hypertension, myocardial ischemia, atheroslerosis and stroke are explained. The overall emphasis is on the dynamic nature of the vascular system.
- Historical Backgrounds and Book Contents
- Vascular Biology,
Structure and Function
- Physical Concepts and Basic Fluid Mechanics
- Hemodynamics of Large Arteries
- Vascular Branching
- The Venous System
- The Microcirculation
- Hemodynamic Measurements and Dynamics of the Assisted Circulation
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Readership: Biomedical engineers, cardiovascular researchers,
cardiologists and vascular surgeons, cardiovascular physiologists and pharmacologists, graduate and medical students.
�... is a new book by one of the world's greatest experts on bioengineering aspects of hemodynamics. It provides an excellent elementary introduction to this topic.�
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