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Science and Technology
(In 3 Volumes)

edited by Fritz Herlach (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) & Noboru Miura (University of Tokyo, Japan)

This three-volume book provides a comprehensive review of experiments in very strong magnetic fields that can only be generated with very special magnets. The first volume is entirely devoted to the technology of laboratory magnets: permanent, superconducting, high-power water-cooled and hybrid; pulsed magnets, both nondestructive and destructive (megagauss fields). Volumes 2 and 3 contain reviews of the different areas of research where strong magnetic fields are an essential research tool. These volumes deal primarily with solid-state physics; other research areas covered are biological systems, chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear resonance, plasma physics and astrophysics (including QED).


  • Volume 1: Magnet Technology and Experimental Techniques:
  • Introduction with Survey of Magnet Laboratories (F Herlach & N Miura)
  • Permanent Magnets (J M D Coey & T R Ní Mhíocháin)
  • Superconducting Magnets (H Jones)
  • Large and Cryogen-Free Superconducting Magnets (K Watanabe)
  • Steady State Resistive and Hybrid Magnets (H J Schneider-Muntau & Y Nakagawa)
  • Controlled Waveform Magnets (L J Campbell & J B Schillig)
  • Nondestructive Compact Pulsed Magnets (F Herlach & N Miura)
  • Generation of Megagauss Fields (N Miura & F Herlach)
  • Measurements in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields (N Miura, G Kido & F Herlach)
  • Volume 2: Theory and Experiments I:
  • Quantum Hall Effect: Theory (D Yoshioka)
  • Theory of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Semiconductors (F M Peeters)
  • Magneto-optics of Semiconductors (D Heiman & C H Perry)
  • Phase Coherence in Mesoscopic Systems at High Magnetic Fields (D V Khveshchenko & S Washburn)
  • Recent Studies of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Metals Involving High Magnetic Fields (J Singleton & R S Edwards)
  • Practical Low Temperature High Field Superconductors (S Foner)
  • Heavy Fermions (K Sugiyama & Y Ôhnuki)
  • Low Dimensional Magnetic Systems (K Katsumata)
  • Ultrasonic and ESR Experiments in Pulsed Magnetic Fields up to 50 T (B Wolf et al.)
  • High Magnetic Fields in Chemistry (U E Steiner & P Gilch)
  • Atoms and Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields (P Schmelcher & L S Cederbaum)
  • Volume 3: Theory and Experiments II:
  • Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Conductors in High Magnetic Fields (J S Brooks & O H Chung)
  • Flatland Electrons in High Magnetic Fields (M Shayegan)
  • Cyclotron Resonance in High Magnetic Fields (J Kono & N Miura)
  • High Tc Superconductors in Pulsed Magnetic Fields (J Vanacken et al.)
  • Field-Induced Magnetic Phase Transitions (K Kindo et al.)
  • Permanent Magnetism (K-H Müller et al.)
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solids at Very High Magnetic Fields (W G Moulton & A P Reyes)
  • Biological Systems in High Magnetic Fields (W R Hagen)
  • Plasma and Megagauss Fields (P J Turchi)
  • Magnetic Fields of White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars (J Trümper et al.)

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Readership: Scientists and students doing and planning experiments with high magnetic fields; magnet designers (engineers and scientists).

"On the whole, this book appears to be edited with great care. The English is consistently of excellent quality, there are almost no printing errors and there is an excellent index in each volume. All chapters have been written by experts in the respective subjects, and contain a tutorial introduction that makes them more accessible to the non-specialist."

Yvan Bruynseraede
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

"All in all this book is recommended to a wider audience who is interested in coil engineering in general. In addition, for experts in high field techniques, this book can serve as a benchmark and handbook of formulas for simulation and design tasks."

Dr Thomas Herrmannsdoerfer
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Germany

"Volume 1 is very useful for somebody who needs an entrance on how and where to obtain a specific type of high magnetic field or wants to understand the possibilities and limitations of high magnetic field generation ... Volume 2 should be regarded as a collection of review papers, and not as a reference or textbook. Most readers will only have a direct interest in one chapter, but will appreciate the others to broaden their horizon."

Dr G L J A Rikken
Lab. Nat. des Champs Magnétiques Pulsés, France

"There are no equivalent books at this high level and quality dedicated to magnet technology and to research under high magnetic fields that today is extending into a large scientific area. These three volumes will be useful as a stimulus as well as a reference tool for researchers and engineers working with magnetic fields, and for students who want to become familiar with this field of research. I highly recommend these three books for the comprehensive coverage and the high quality of the work described."

Jean-Claude Portal
INSA & Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory, France

"This book would be useful for physicists involved with high magnetic fields on condensed matter."

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

Australian Physics

Pub. date: Oct 2003
eISBN 978-981-277-488-0
Price: US$86

Copyright ©2007 World Scientific Publishing Co. All rights reserved.