by Chunlan Jiang (Hebei Normal University, China) & Zongyao Wang (East China University of Science and Technology, China)
This book exposes the internal structure of non-self-adjoint operators acting on complex separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space, by analyzing and studying the commutant of operators. A unique presentation of the theorem of Cowen�Douglas operators is given. The authors take the strongly irreducible operator as a basic model, and find complete similarity invariants of Cowen�Douglas operators by using K-theory, complex geometry and operator algebra tools.
- Jordan Standard Theorem and K0-Group
- Approximate Jordan Theorem of Operators
- Unitary Invariant and Similarity Invariant of Operators
- The Similarity Invariant of Cowen�Douglas Operators
- Some Other Results About Operator Structure
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Readership: Researchers and postgraduate students in functional analysis,
operator theory and operator algebra.