Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Science of Time
Venice, Italy 11 - 17 August 2002
edited by Ikaros I Bigi (University of Notre Dame du Lac, USA) & Martin Faessler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit�t, Germany)
Time and matter are the most fundamental concepts in physics and in any science-based description of the world around us. Quantum theory has, however, revealed many novel insights into these concepts in non-relativistic, relativistic and cosmological contexts. The implications of these novel perspectives have been realized and, in particular, probed experimentally only recently.
In the papers in this proceedings, these issues are discussed in a truly interdisciplinary fashion from philosophical and historical perspectives. The leading contributors, including Nobel laureates T W H�nsch and G t' Hooft, address both experimental and theoretical issues.
- Measuring Time
- Causality and Signal Propagation
- Coherence and Decoherence
- CP and T Violation
- Macroscopic Time Reversal and the Arrow of Time
- New Paradigms
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Readership: Physicists, philosophers and historians of science, graduate
students of physics.