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General Implications of Lorentz and Poincar� Invariance
(2nd Edition)

by Jong-Ping Hsu (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA) & Leonardo Hsu (University of Minnesota, USA)

A Broader View of Relativity shows that there is still new life in old physics. The book examines the historical context and theoretical underpinnings of Einstein's theory of special relativity and describes Broad Relativity, a generalized theory of coordinate transformations between inertial reference frames that includes Einstein's special relativity as a special case. It shows how the principle of relativity is compatible with multiple concepts of physical time and how these different procedures for clock synchronization can be useful for thinking about different physical problems, including many-body systems and the development of a Lorentz-invariant thermodynamics. Broad relativity also provides new answers to old questions such as the necessity of postulating the constancy of the speed of light and the viability of Reichenbach's general concept of time. The book also draws on the idea of limiting-four-dimensional symmetry to describe coordinate transformations and the physics of particles and fields in non-inertial frames, particularly those with constant linear accelerations. This new edition expands the discussion on the role that human conventions and unit systems have played in the historical development of relativity theories and includes new results on the implications of broad relativity for clarifying the status of constants that are truly fundamental and inherent properties of our universe.


  • The Historical and Physical Context of Relativity Theory:
  • Space, Time and Inertial Frames
  • On the Right Track: Voigt, Lorentz, and Larmor
  • The Novel Creation of the Young Einstein
  • A Broader View of Relativity: The Central Role of the Principle of Relativity:
  • Relativity Based Solely on the Principle of Relativity
  • Experimental Tests I & II
  • Group Properties of Taiji Relativity and Common Relativity
  • Common Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
  • Extended Relativity: A Weaker Postulate for the Speed of Light
  • The Role of the Principle of Relativity in the Physics of Accelerated Frames:
  • The Principle of Limiting Lorentz and Poincar� Invariance
  • Physical Properties of Spacetime in Accelerated Frames
  • Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Particles in Constant-Linear-Acceleration Frames
  • Group and Lie Algebra Properties of Accelerated Spacetime Transformations
  • Appendices:
  • Systems of Units and the Development of Relativity Theories
  • Quantum Electrodynamics in Both Linearly Accelerated and Inertial Frames
  • and other papers

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Readership: Researchers in the field of relativity theory and advanced undergraduate students as a supplementary text.

Review of the First Edition

"Hsu's book shows many new aspects of Einstein's theory which are not taught in lectures or by any other books on this subject � His understanding and appreciation of physics together with his unconventional style of writing make, in my opinion, the book worth reading for every physicist who is interested in Special Relativity."

Andreas Ernst
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany

Pub. date: Sept 2006
eISBN 978-981-277-428-6
Price: US$113

Copyright ©2007 World Scientific Publishing Co. All rights reserved.