A Primer in Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Bonding
by Dorothy Wallace & Joseph J BelBruno (Dartmouth College, USA)
This book is an introduction to quantum mechanics and mathematics that leads to the solution of the Schrodinger equation. It can be read and understood by undergraduates without sacrificing the mathematical details necessary for a complete solution giving the shapes of molecular orbitals seen in every chemistry text. Readers are introduced to many mathematical topics new to the undergraduate curriculum, such as basic representation theory, Schur�s lemma, and the Legendre polynomials.
- Rutherford, Bohr and Balmer
- Some Important Experiments
- Early Quantum Mechanics: The Atom
- New Assumptions
- Zetetics
- Classical Waves
- Particle-in-a-Box
- Exploring the Analogy
- Dr Schrödinger, I Presume?
- The Quantum Numbers
- Pleased to Meet You, Dr Schur
- The Spherical Harmonics
- More French Mathematicians
- Reprise: The Quantum Numbers
- Chemistry and Bonding
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion
- The Shape of an Orbital
- Molecular Orbital Theory
- Valence Bond Theory
- Other Kinds of Bonding
- Case Study: Dye Molecules
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Readership: Introductory undergraduate courses in chemistry, quantum
mechanics, and physics, courses in partial differential equations and mathematical physics.
"It probably serves best as supplementary material, either for mathematics students to see how some seemingly abstract mathematics has been applied to physical systems or for science students to appreciate the logical system that underpins familiar physical models."