Reviews and Short Notes Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanomeeting 2007
Minsk, Belarus 22 - 25 May 2007
edited by V E Borisenko, V S Gurin (Belarusian State University, Belarus) & S V Gaponenko (Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics, Belarus)
This proceedings volume presents invited reviews and original short notes of recent results obtained in studies concerning the fabrication and application of nanostructures, which hold great promise for the new generation of electronic and optoelectronic devices.
Governing exciting and relatively new topics such as fast-progressing nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, molecular electronics and spintronics, as well as nanotechnology and quantum processing of information, this book gives readers a more complete understanding of the practical uses of nanotechnology and nanostructures.
- Physics of Nanostructures:
- Diamond-Based Quantum
Information Technologies at a Nanoscale Level (S Kilin et al.)
- Decoherence Rate of the Quantum State of Silicon Magnetic Isotopes Chains (D A Podryabinkin)
- Giant Magnetoresistance in the Polymer-Ferromagnetic System (A N Lachinov et al.)
- Carrier Multiplication in Quantum Dots Accompanied by Raman Scattering Phenomena (S A Moscalenko et al.)
- Chemistry of Nanostructures:
- Controlling the Behavior of Silicon Nanoclusters in Suspensions (S Sato et al.)
- Disordering in Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles (A S Vorokh et al.)
- High-Field Anodization to Form Nanosized Porous Dielectric Structures (A Vorobyova & E Outkina)
- Multiparametric Electrochemical Characterisation of Cadmium Atomic Layer Deposition on Tellurium (S M Rabchynski et al.)
- Nanotechnology:
- Nanocrystal Hybridized White Light Sources Integrated on Near UV LEDs (S Nizamoglu & H V Demir)
- Chemical Vapour Deposition of Regimented Ge Islands on Templated Si(100) Substrates (D Gr�tzmacher et al.)
- The Microwave Heating Technique for Obtaining Bismuth Nanoparticles (O V Kharissova et al.)
- Nanostructures Based on Porous Niobium and Niobia (N G Tsirkunova et al.)
- Nanostructure Based Devices:
- White Light Emitting Nanostructures (S Sapra et al.)
- Hollow Nanoscale Containers for Feedback Active Coatings (D Shchukin)
- One Way to Realization of a Silicon Laser (A Yukhnevich)
- A Nanoactuator Based on Carbon Nanotube: New Method of Control (A M Popov et al.)
- and other papers
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Readership: University students, teachers, and researchers in the field of nanotechnology.
Pub. date: May 2007
eISBN 978-981-277-095-0
Price: US$189