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How Debt Affects the Firm's Risk, Value, Tax Rate and the Government's Tax Claim

by Ramesh K S Rao (University of Texas at Austin, USA) & Eric C Stevens (USA)

The cost of capital concept has myriad applications in business decision-making. The standard methodology for deriving cost of capital estimates is based on the seminal Modigliani-Miller analyses. This book generalizes this framework to include non-debt tax shields (e.g., depreciation), interactions between the borrowing rate and tax shields, and default considerations. It develops several new results and shows how better cost of capital and marginal tax rate estimates can be generated. The book's unified cost of capital theory is discussed with comprehensive numerical examples and graphical illustrations.

This book will be of interest to corporate managers, academics, investment bankers, governmental agencies, and private companies that generate cost of capital estimates for public consumption.


  • Model Setting
  • Distributional Assumptions
  • Model Solution Procedure
  • Discussion of Results
  • Extension to s x s States
  • Numerical Illustration

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Readership: Graduate courses in finance and economics, researchers, libraries, policy-makers, regulatory agencies, investment bankers, Wall Street firms.

�The cost of capital is one of the most important concepts in finance. Standard procedures for calculating it make a number of simplifying assumptions that often do not hold. This book derives the cost of capital under a quite general set of assumptions. It is a very useful contribution for both practitioners and academics.�

Franklin Allen
Nippon Life Professor of Finance and Economics
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA

�This book provides a very focused and thorough analysis of the firm's cost of capital. The authors use the contingent claim approach to evaluate the effect of taxes on the marginal cost of capital of the firm in a consistent and coherent way. I like this approach! �

Dan Galai
Abe Gray Professor of Business Administration
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

�The concept of the firm's cost of capital is fundamental to capital budgeting decisions in modern corporations as well as investment decisions made by professional investors. This book provides a clear and concise exposition of how to incorporate the effect of taxes into cost of capital calculations thereby providing managers and investors with a more precise tool to estimate the firm's cost of capital.�

Frank Fehle
Head of Europe Equity Research
Barclays Global Investors, UK

�This book presents a clear and intuitive framework for cost of capital determination that explicitly accounts for the interactions between debt-equity level, cost of capital and firm value. A discerning practitioner should be able to use the insights from this book to analyze corporate financing decisions.�

Prafulla Nabar
Head of Enterprise Valuation Group
Lehman Brothers, USA

�Estimating the cost of capital is critical for finance professionals responsible for capital budgeting decisions. This work contributes to the body of knowledge so fundamental to the practice of financial decision making today.�

Alexander Frank
Managing Director and Global Head of Institutional Operations
Morgan Stanley, USA

Pub. date: Mar 2007
eISBN 978-981-270-837-3
Price: US$70

Copyright ©2007 World Scientific Publishing Co. All rights reserved.