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Journey Between Gloom and Glory

by Albrecht Rothacher

This book sets out to give a straightforward insider's account of the current realities of European integration. It succinctly reviews the reasons and methods of European integration, analyses what the European Union (EU) really does, and examines how funds are spent. The whole range of current EU policies is critically reviewed: the Single market; the Euro; and the common policies on agriculture, fisheries, the regions, industry, competition, transport, the environment, social affairs, consumer protection, research, taxation, justice, trade, development, foreign affairs and defence.

This book argues for a much slimmed-down European executive. It needs to become fully accountable in a democratically legitimised bicameral federal system, and take charge only of policies essential for effective internal and external security and for a working economic and monetary union. To avoid policy paralysis and continued mismanagement by a redistributive and over-regulatory bureaucracy, most of the current �low politics� and EU funds should be returned to the member states and their regions. This book thus makes a long overdue informed contribution to the debate on Europe's future constitution.


  • Is there a European Identity?
  • Four Freedoms in a Single Market
  • The Beauty of Sustainable Poverty: Europe's Regions and Regional Funding
  • The Rise and Fall of the Commission's Competition Ayatollahs
  • Blue Skies and Yellow Rivers: The Environmental Policies
  • No Free Lunches: The Budget, Fraud and Taxation
  • The EU and the Rest of the World: Trade First
  • Out of Africa: EU Aid
  • A Paper Tiger with Teething Problem: The CSFP
  • The Pursuit of Happiness and Frustrations: Careers in Europe
  • Brussels, Europe's Unfinished Capital
  • and other papers

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Readership: Researchers, instructors, post-graduates, under-graduates and general public interested in the topic of European integration.

"A refreshing analysis ... it is still rare for a writer to consider Europe as a whole, in its many political contexts. Nor does Rothacher confine himself to description, and his prescriptions for the European Union are lucid. Whether you agree or disagree, whether you think Europe's journey tends to gloom or glory, the arguments in this book will make a good companion at the European crossroads."

Graham Watson
Member of the European Parliament
and Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in the EP

"With historical flashbacks and a lot of expertise the book offers profound insights into less than perfect European policies. But there is also always understanding and a sense of realism ... a critical synopsis is offered across all major tasks of the Union. A profound analysis."

Wolfgang Böhm
Die Presse

Pub. date: May 2005
eISBN 978-1-86094-723-0
Price: US$62

Copyright ©2007 World Scientific Publishing Co. All rights reserved.